Extending Angular Apps with Module Federation: A Step-Step Guide

Welcome to the second part of our series on enhancing Angular applications using Module Federation (MF). In this guide, we'll delve into how to seamlessly incorporate MF into an existing plain Angular application.

Understanding Our Tools: @angular-architects/module-federation

It's important to note that, by default, Angular CLI does not facilitate the loading of custom Webpack configurations. To address this, our approach involves updating the Angular CLI builder with a specialized custom builder. This modification enables the extension of the Webpack config file, crucial for integrating advanced features like Module Federation.

While this guide focuses on utilizing the custom builder provided by the @angular-architects/module-federation library, you have the flexibility to replace it with an alternative builder, should your expertise permit. For those interested in exploring how to implement custom Webpack configurations within Angular CLI builders, we suggest reading the following article How To Use Custom webpack Configurations with Angular CLI Builders by DigitalOcean. This resource offers valuable insights and practical steps for customizing your Angular build process beyond the standard configurations.

Library Functions

  • Updates Build Configuration: It enables the extension of the Webpack configuration file.
  • Application Serving: Facilitates serving applications individually, either through standard browser interaction or as a micro-frontend.

Setting Up Main App

Initialization with Schematics

Run the following command in your project's root directory:

ng add @angular-architects/module-federation --project app-micro --type dynamic-host --port 4200

This command configures your main project for Module Federation, updates Angular CLI configurations, creates a manifest file for loading remote entries, and reorganizes the bootstrap process.

Handling Schematic Conflicts

Some Angular schematics like @angular/pwa and @angular/material expect bootstrapping in main.ts. If you plan to use these, toggle the bootstrapping process temporarily:

ng g @angular-architects/module-federation:boot-async false --project [YOUR_MAIN_PROJECT]
ng add [YOUR_LIBRARIES_OF_CHOICE] --project yourProject
ng g @angular-architects/module-federation:boot-async true --project [YOUR_MAIN_PROJECT]

Updating the Manifest File

After implementing the schematic changes, it's essential to modify the manifest file (mf.manifest.json) and the application routing configuration (app-routing.module.ts) to ensure proper functioning of your Angular application.

The default configuration in mf.manifest.json is set to serve a file on port 4200. However, this port is typically used for the main application.

To avoid conflicts, update the port for serving the secondary application. For example, change the port to 4201. Your mf.manifest.json should reflect this change as follows:

"login": "http://localhost:4201/remoteEntry.js"

By updating these configurations, you establish a clear and functional structure for running your main and secondary Angular applications on distinct ports, facilitating their independent operation and integration.

  • Simplified Example: In this guide, the manifest configuration is statically defined in a JSON file for simplicity.

  • Dynamic Configuration in Production: For real-life applications, it's recommended to serve the manifest configuration dynamically. This can be achieved by either:

    • Replacing the static JSON file with a production version.
    • Setting up an endpoint on your server that returns the manifest configuration.

When opting for dynamic serving, update the main.ts file to modify the URL used by the initFederation function to retrieve the manifest data. Be aware that in this configuration, if there's no internet connection, the application will fail to load. However, with a static configuration, you can handle connection errors, particularly if your app has been previously cached.

  1. Integrating the Manifest in Routing:

    Modify the Manifest File:

    • Adjust the port in the mf.manifest.json file if necessary, as described in previous sections.

    Update the Application Routing (app-routing.module.ts):

    • Remove the existing import code (e.g., import('@@login')).
    • Replace it with a call to the loadRemoteModule function (imported from the @angular-architects/module-federation module).
    • Configure the loadRemoteModule function with the following object:
  "type": "manifest",
  "remoteName": "login",
  "exposedModule": "./Module",
  • type: Denotes the remote configuration type ('manifest' in this case).
  • remoteName: The module's name as declared in the manifest.
  • exposedModule: Path of the module in the secondary app.

The final result should look similar to the following example:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    canMatch: [isNotLogged],
    loadChildren: () =>
      loadRemoteModule({ type: 'manifest', remoteName: 'login', exposedModule: './Module' }).then(
        (m) => m.LoginModule,

Having followed these steps, the main application is now configured to load other applications remotely. The next phase involves setting up the secondary applications to ensure they can be loaded in this manner.

Setting up Remote Apps

Upon configuring the secondary applications, similar to the main app, several project components will be updated. Notably, this process does not create a manifest file, but it does modify the webpack.config.js file, adding more details than what is typically found in the main application's configuration.

ng add @angular-architects/module-federation --project login --type remote --port 4201

Instead of using --type dynamic-host, we are going to use --type remote instead.

Understanding 'exposes'

  • Role of 'exposes': The exposes property within the webpack.config.js file plays a crucial role. It contains an object configuration where each key-value pair resembles a route. This property dictates the modules to be exposed to the loader.
  • Linking to 'exposedModule': This relates to our earlier step where we used the exposedModule property in the route configuration, signifying the specific module route to load.

Adjustments in Webpack Configuration

Identifying Configuration Mismatch: In the current setup, the route configuration attempts to load a module named './Module', but this isn't specified in the existing Webpack configuration.

To rectify this, modify the webpack.config.js file:

  • Remove the existing './Component' key.
  • Add a new './Module' key, ensuring it points to the correct path for loading the application module. For example:
exposes: {
  './Module': './projects/login/src/app/feature/login/login.module.ts',

With this update, the secondary applications are correctly configured to expose the necessary modules, aligning with the remote loading requirements set in the main application.

Testing and Running the Applications

  • Run the Main App: ng serve
  • Serve the Secondary App: ng serve login
  • After serving both apps, refresh the main application to see the integration in action. The secondary app should now load correctly within the main app.
  • Moreover, by navigating to localhost:4201 in your browser, you can observe the login application operating as a standalone entity.

Optimizing Build Configuration

While we currently use shareAll from the @angular-architects/module-federation/webpack package, a more refined approach involves sharing only necessary dependencies using the share function. This selective sharing optimizes the application's performance and resource utilization.